Monday, October 17, 2011

Sending Imaginary Friends Home

Recently, Abby was giving me a hard time on a weekend (apparently that's all I write about).  She had just finished breakfast and had just taken forever to eat.  Everytime I reminded her to do her job, she would roll her eyes, roll her head and sigh exceedingly loud, basically anything that she could do to ensure that she got the maximium reaction from me.  Finally, I told her that she needed to buckle down and do her job, or I was going to help her.  She then told me that she couldn't do her job because Snow White kept distracting her.

Now, since I couldn't address the issue directly with Snow White, I threatened to send Snow White home.  Apparently, if I sent Snow White home, then the evil Queen would kill Snow White.

This sent Abby into a fit of hysterics, and after I explained that she needed to do her job and Snow White would be able to stay, this sent Abby into a tear filled drama tornado headed directly to the bathroom to frantically brush her teeth. 

The real question was, should I feel such amusement in my daughter's panic? 

Good thing I didn't mention anything about her imaginary horses...

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